Mama Rucci

I Don’t have an inside voice, Please Stop asking me to use it!

Shopping for Spotted Dick August 4, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Rachel Ferrucci @ 11:48 pm
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I’ve been running a household for many years and I do 99.9% of the grocery shopping. I recently went shopping at Big Y and there on the shelf was this…….

spotted dick

I know there will be some people who know what this is, but let me tell you…I almost peed myself. I laughed so hard, I think other shoppers thought I forgot my meds. ” (Plus I was trying to take pics…LMAO) “Spotted Dick” in a can for $4.99… this a bargain?

I know you can get spotted dickalitis in the red district for about $20….so I guess this is a bargain! It also says sponge pudding, it’s only 10 ounces, and comes in a can….No Thanks….I could write another paragraph on that too, but I’m laughing to hard. Anything that sounds like a VD, I try to stay away from…even if it does say pudding.  And WHO was the brainiac that came up with the name for this one? Anyhow- this item is not for me…LMAO!!!!